
Employee Effectiveness

One of the most important assets of an organisation is its human resources.  Employee effectiveness is the capability and agility of employees to deliver a desired outcome in the best possible way.  An effective employee performs and delivers on expectations, works well with others to achieve organisational goals, and has the ability to go above and beyond the organisation’s expectations.

PRISM’s range of behavioural  reports provide the lens through which your organisation can understand cognitive well-being and optimise the performance of your employees.  Developing the self-awareness of employees is key to building positive working relationships, improved communication, better decision-making and enhanced leadership skills.

Employee effectiveness and agility begins with a state of self-awareness.

Effective employees have the following traits:

Critical thinking skills:  Take decisions that produce the best results, even when the going gets tough.

Communication skills:  Recognise when to be a good speaker and when to be a good listener.

Ethically sound: Take ownership of their role, produces exceptional work with honesty and integrity.

Factory supervisor
High-fiving happy workers

PRISM’S powerful graphic and reports help increase employee effectiveness.

Self-awareness is a key building block for employee effectiveness. Without self-awareness, your employees will be blind to their strengths, weaknesses and emotions and the impact these have on their objectives and the people around them. Although most people believe that they are self-aware, true self-awareness is a rare quality. We partner with organisations to develop strategies and interventions to ensure your employees are firing on all cylinders, employees that are better able to manage behaviour, connect better with colleagues and stakeholders and are truly focused on the task in hand.

“He who knows others is wise.  He who knows himself is enlightened”

Lao Tzu

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What some of our clients say...

NATO Joint Warfare Centre Stavanger
Major General Roger Lane CBE FCMI
Senior EXON Adviser

I have used PRISM for the past five years in a wide range of settings from Government agencies to company boardrooms, and no other tool matches it for the ease of use despite its sophistication. Providing a PRISM map is…

University of Melbourne, Swinburne University Melbourne
Doa El-Ansary
Associate Professor, Senior Research Fellow, Department of Surgery

I have completed many tools such as PRISM, but what makes PRISM distinct is that it validates and empowers everyone by helping to identify their strengths and provides positive affirmation of the value of each individual. It further links to…

Singapore Institute of Management
Michelle Chua

I was initially very sceptical when I was asked to complete my PRISM profile. However, maintaining an open mind I have begun to embrace the numerous personal and professional benefits PRISM has brought me in both AIESEC and my daily…

Phoenix Training and Development
Bill Osmond

We have used PRISM for well over a decade now and can say without doubt it has been the most useful tool we use. We have used it with an incredibly wide range of our clients, from large corporate businesses within the financial sector…

Lysis Financial
Jon Sweet
Chief Executive Officer

We have been using PRISM for over 10 years now. It has been of significant benefit in our recruitment activity, helping us to benchmark people and align the right people with the right roles. It has also been invaluable in terms of exploring team…

‘Star of SAS: Who Dares Wins’ TV series.
Matthew ‘Ollie’ Ollerton
Founder & Managing Director

We have been using PRISM for over 10 years now. It has been of significant benefit in our recruitment activity, helping us to benchmark people and align the right people with the right roles. It has also been invaluable in terms of exploring team…

Organisations that have used PRISM
NATO Joint Warfare Centre Stavanger
Major General Roger Lane CBE FCMI
Senior EXON Adviser

I have used PRISM for the past five years in a wide range of settings from Government agencies to company boardrooms, and no other tool matches it for the ease of use despite its sophistication. Providing a PRISM map is…