How to Navigate Change for Sustainable Growth Today’s ultra-competitive environment rewards rapid change and severely punishes inaction. Change and adaptation to change have become imperative for survival and their acceleration a real factor of success. To paraphrase Charles Darwin: “In a constantly changing world, it is not the strongest or the fastest who survive best, […]

Synergising Success: The Power of Team Cohesion and Neuroscience in Business.

In today’s competitive business landscape, achieving efficiency and profitability is not just about individual performance, but also about how well teams function together. Team cohesion plays a pivotal role in driving success, and businesses are increasingly turning to neuroscience-backed approaches like PRISM to enhance team development and foster a more effective cultural environment. Understanding the […]

PRISM Brain Mapping Fr – Morocco

PRISM Brain Mapping Fr PRISM Brain Mapping Fr est le distributeur agrée de PRISM Brain Mapping UK LLP pour les pays francophones. PRISM est le premier instrument d’évaluation des préférences comportementales et d’analyse des performances personnelles et professionnelles qui s’appuie sur les récentes recherches en neurosciences cognitives. Cet instrument de profilage innovant est utilisé pour […]

Capitalising on Neurodiversity: Harnessing Unique Minds for Business Success through PRISM Brain Mapping

Capitalising on Neurodiversity: Harnessing Unique Minds for Business Success through PRISM Brain Mapping. In the intricate mosaic of the modern workplace, each individual contributes a unique pattern of thoughts and behaviours that enrich the collective tapestry. Neurodiversity, a concept that highlights the valuable differences in how people think and process the world, is increasingly recognised […]

Can Neuroscience Change the Leadership Game? Understanding the Brain’s Role in Effective Leadership

Can Neuroscience Change the Leadership Game? Understanding the Brain’s Role in Effective Leadership. In the dynamic landscape of leadership, there’s a fundamental truth: it’s not merely about making decisions or issuing directives. True leadership transcends mere authority; it’s about understanding and inspiring people to achieve common goals. And while leadership has been studied and analyzed […]

Mdina Partners (Malta)

At Mdina Partners we work with ambitious companies to help them build able and capable teams. We help companies realise potential and enable real step changes in their organisation by developing high powered talent that is motivated to achieve common goals.  We help companies bring structure to their vision by empowering teams. FIND OUT MORE […]

Can Artificial Intelligence Replace the Coaching Profession?

The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has undeniably reshaped the landscape of various industries, offering unparalleled efficiency, accuracy, and innovation. Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) Ever Replace the Coaching Profession is a question being asked today? In the realm of coaching, where human connection, empathy, and intuition play pivotal roles, the question arises: Can AI truly […]

PRISM Brain Mapping Global – Romania

Global Headquarters and UK Distributors Contact us here We have a wide community of distributors across the world and are looking for practitioners and distributors to support this geographic region. If you are an established learning and development consultant and would like to join our PRISM network then do please contact us, or see our […]

PRISM Brain Mapping Global – Egypt

Global Headquarters and UK Distributors Contact us here We have a wide community of distributors across the world and are looking for practitioners and distributors to support this geographic region. If you are an established learning and development consultant and would like to join our PRISM network then do please contact us, or see our […]

PRISM Brain Mapping Global – Djibouti

Global Headquarters and UK Distributors Contact us here We have a wide community of distributors across the world and are looking for practitioners and distributors to support this geographic region. If you are an established learning and development consultant and would like to join our PRISM network then do please contact us, or see our […]

NATO Joint Warfare Centre Stavanger
Major General Roger Lane CBE FCMI
Senior EXON Adviser

I have used PRISM for the past five years in a wide range of settings from Government agencies to company boardrooms, and no other tool matches it for the ease of use despite its sophistication. Providing a PRISM map is…